Welcome to Golden Hills Equestrian Centre

Golden Hills Riding Centre
Golden Hills Equestrian Centre also operates a Riding Centre from its property. Students of all ages and from both Western or English backgrounds can enjoy professional instruction on our School horses or your own horse. We pride ourselves in providing an environment where students can enjoy and achieve a solid foundation in any equestrian discipline.
For updates on news and activities involving Goldenhills Equestrian Centre please visit our Facebook page.
p: 027 547 2257
msg: http://m.me/quarterhorse.

Golden Hills Quarter Horse Stud
Golden Hills Quarter Horse Stud is located on 285 Acres within the city boundaries in sunny Nelson, South Island, New Zealand, and is owned and operated by Sharon Higgins and daughter Georgia.
Golden Hills Quarterhorse Stud was formed in 1996 when Sharon purchased the stud ‘Docs Golden Pride’ also known as Corby. She then went on to successfully campaign Corby in both the North and South Island in ridden and in-hand events. After a number of years in the show pen Corby was retired to breeding duties and Sharon decided to focus more on his stud career and showing his progeny. Even though Corby is no longer with us his legacy is still continued on by his successful offspring.
Sharon has always had a dream of running a riding school from her nelson property and in 2010 that dream became a reality. Sharon now runs a very successful riding school which caters for all ages and abilities. Please see the Golden Hills Equestrian Centre page for more information.